Medicare is a federal health insurance program designed to provide benefits to people age 65 and older. It is also known as Original Medicare or Medicare Insurance.
As you approach Medicare enrollment, it is crucial to understand the process and the outreach and coverage options. It is critical to become familiar with each part of the Medicare program.
Within the health field, various concepts are used to help us understand the processes, conditions, coverage and limits of the different benefits offered by insurance plans.
It brings together different private health plans from companies authorized by Medicare, thus presenting an alternative to the Original.
Private health insurance supplemental to Original Medicare (A and B), which helps cover costs that Medicare does not cover.
Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security are three health insurance programs in the United States.
Nos hemos especializado en identificar las mejores opciones para nuestros clientes, las más convenientes en cuanto a la cobertura, servicios y prima. Agenda una cita y te ampliamos información acerca de cada uno de los planes que ofrecemos.
Los planes Medicare Advantage son opciones de atención médica adicionales.
Es el programa del gobierno que ayuda a cubrir los costos de medicamentos recetados.
Los beneficios de indemnización hospitalaria cubren facturas y responsabilidades.
Seguro de gastos finales, es una póliza que brinda una cobertura de hasta $40,000.
Este seguro cubre servicios médicos y no médicos relacionados con las actividades diarias, en hogares de pacientes, hogares de ancianos.
Las anualidades ofrecen un ingreso vitalicio garantizado a los clientes, complementando su Seguro Social con pagos regulares.
Medicare Insurance Enrollment: 5 Simple and Effective Steps
How much does a Medicare card cost? • Does Part A cover all my hospitalization costs? • Does Part B cover all my doctor’s expenses? • Is it enough to have only the Medicare card?
Which Medicare Insurance is best for my needs? In this new book, Walter Bernuy answers all these questions and provides a guide to enroll in a Medicare insurance plan and a map for everyone who is wondering where to start their research.
This guide is recommended for anyone new to Medicare or anyone who is already a beneficiary but still needs support.
More Options
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent at least 4 organizations which offer at least 10 products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.
Plans are insured or covered by a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract and/or a Medicare-approved Part D sponsor. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare.
DISCLAIMER: Learning Medicare is a channel created for educational purposes. Walter Bernuy does not work for the government, Social Security, CMS or any federal department. NPN available. Walter Bernuy does not represent the interest of any insurance company. If supporters are interested in discussing issues related to their specific situation, they can call 800-560-9169.
This site is a service of MedSenior Savings Solutions, LLC DBA Learning Medicare, which is a licensed insurance agency representing Medicare insurance plans.
MedSenior Savings Solutions, LLC is DBA - Copyright © 2023